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Actions with pending start dates now show in context mode Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

One or two updates back actions with a pending start date (one in the future which has not been reached) did not show in Context mode when the Status was set to "Remaining", because those actions were unavailable. I liked that feature because I often have reminders to do things in Omnifocus, or I capture tasks that don't need to be started on for a few months.

So, here are my questions...

* Am I crazy? These used to not show, right?
* Was the change for a practical reason that I can incorporate into my workflow?

Here is an example...

I jotted down a task today for checking on the status of an employee's project in February. I gave it a start date of 2/1/2009. I would like that not to show in Context mode because I don't want to clutter up the lists until I need to think about that task. I know I could set it to "Waiting", however, I'd like to not leave it open to my own memory when to remove that from the Waiting context.

Any ideas?

Sorting actions by “Available” rather than “Remaining” in Contexts mode will achieve what you are describing.
Originally Posted by frugme View Post
So, here are my questions...

* Am I crazy? These used to not show, right?
No, it has always been this way while OmniFocus has been a shipping product.

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