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Hide some folders in Planning mode Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
My Planning mode Library has a couple of administrative folders plus a folder for each of my consulting clients.

The list of folders is about to overflow the sidebar, resulting in a vertical scroll bar. I'd like to shorten this list of folder by hiding the clients with no active projects. I can select a client folder, select everything in the main pane, and change the status to On Hold. The main pane goes blank, but the folder remains in the sidebar.

Is there a way to hide specific folders in the sidebar pane?

The best I can come up with is to create an "inactive" folder and move specific client folders into that collapsed folder.

-- Ward
Perhaps I'm not understanding, but why not just mark the client folders as "Dropped", then set the view bar to only show Active (or Remaining) projects?

Originally Posted by curt.clifton
Perhaps I'm not understanding, but why not just mark the client folders as "Dropped", then set the view bar to only show Active (or Remaining) projects?
Curt, you're understanding just what I want.

It's that I didn't understand how to set the status of a folder. I thought I wanted to set it to On Hold, but I couldn't find a way to do that. Now that I know "Dropped" is the right terminology, I searched the Help to find how to set that status - Help didn't help. Scanning the menus also came up empty.

Finally, I tried the contextual menu on a selected folder - Voila!

Is Drop Folder somewhere in the regular menus? Help on "drop" identifies only Sidebar Filter > Dropped.

-- Ward
Originally Posted by Ward View Post
Now that I know "Dropped" is the right terminology, I searched the Help to find how to set that status - Help didn't help. Scanning the menus also came up empty.
Good catch - written up as a documentation bug!

Edit - hmmm... actually, I'm getting a couple of other topics that appear when I search on "Drop". Unfortunately, the help system in OS X doesn't always delete the cache files it uses to do the text searching when it should.

Ward, if you quit OmniFocus, follow the steps mentioned in this article, and relaunch the app, do you see more results?

Last edited by Brian; 2008-12-15 at 06:36 PM..

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