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Stencil for creating a business process? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've spent quite some time looking for a solution to this. I'm sure that OG would be the perfect application to do it in, but I'm confused by my many choices.

My business has grown to the point where it is past the critical point to start documenting every step of every process. I was wanting to create a process chart/diagram for every process.

I've found the "UML 2.0" stencil.

Is there a "best" one?


Some nice BPML and related stencils are available at Graffletopia.

Hope that helps,
"Vroom! Vroom!!"

Thanks a lot for the reply. Sorry I didn't say anything sooner.
I spent some time yesterday looking at your suggestion.
This seems like a process that's suitable for launching the space shuttle.
Which may not be a bad thing.

Is this appropriate for something as simple and as straightforward for (I'm just trying to think of an example) sending a package UPS 2 day air that the client pays for?

Or, is UML better for that?



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