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Task name in gant view Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi I am wondering if there is a way to see the task name in the gant window, like is show on the screen cap in Tutorial Step 9: Connect Tasks with Dependency Lines?

Yes, it is easily accomplished. Bring up the View->View Options... menu item. For the tasks, select Task as the label, as seen here:

That's all there is to it!
I knew it was going to be too obvious...couldn't see the tree through the forest. Odd how ever time I opened that I only focused on the left panel...Thanks!!
I have never seen the 'Assigned' value appear to the right of the Task Group bar as it does for the Task bar in the Gantt Chart. Is this a bug?
I don't think that is a bug that the assigned resource doesn't appear next to a task group, because the Help page describing the characteristics of task groups has the following language:
Resource Assignments: If you assign a resource to a task group, the resource gets assigned to all tasks in the group. The group itself can't have any resources assigned.
I would agree that the menu shouldn't offer you that choice... use Help->Send Feedback to tell the developers about it.
thanks for the clarification.

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