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Sub groups taking on contexts Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi folks

When I select an action, create a new action (using return) which I then ident (creating a sub action by using apple }) it doesn't take on the parent context. However further creating new sub actions does. So the first sub action you create ends up with no context which you have to put in 'by hand'.

Can someone fix this please?

You could use the "Add Child" command for your first subtask which creates a child with the parent's context. This is found under the Edit -> Outlining menu. There is a keyboard command for it, too.

And if you want the current behavior to change (which seems like a reasonable request to me), use Help → Send Feedback to get your feature request into the development database. Forum posts don't count.

Add Child command - cheers

Still doesn't explain how come the first action I create using my method doesn't take the parent's context, but then all subsequent ones do. Seems a bit silly and non-intuitive.
Currently, a parent's context is only inherited by actions created beneath the parent. In your original case, it sounds like you're creating a peer action and then moving it under the parent, so no context inheritance occurs.

So the question is: should moved actions also inherit the parent's context in addition to those created beneath the parent? Valid arguments could probably be made either way, but I tend to think not. If I want my new action to inherit a parent's context, then I use the command suggested earlier and create the action as a child. I'm not sure I'd like every action dragged in to inherit context.


There's a middle ground, which I think might be nice. An action that doesn't already have a context would inherit the context of its new parent. An action that already had a context would keep its context when moved.

This slightly stronger form of context inheritance might reduce the friction of the program a bit. On the other hand, since the default context for an action group doesn't appear in the main view, I can imagine some users being surprised by this behavior.

Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
There's a middle ground, which I think might be nice. An action that doesn't already have a context would inherit the context of its new parent. An action that already had a context would keep its context when moved.
That sounds like a reasonable compromise I could live with.


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