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I see reading a few posts how people are saying they have X many projects or actions in OF. I can't find where I can get that data. It would be useful for me to know how many whatevers are in each category on occasion. Like how many projects are on hold, how many are active, how many next actions I have and so on.

I couldn't' find it in the documentation either but it seems the docs are a bit out of date compared to the current rev.

Can someone tell me how you a e getting that data?
A number of ways:

The iPhone app reports a count of projects, actions and zip files on the Settings page.

Dennis (aka Toadling) wrote a script called Count Database Items which reports a count of projects and so forth broken down by type. I can never find his original post in a hurry, so I'll just attach my slightly modified copy to this post, but Dennis deserves the credit. I think my only modification was to add the command below.

The following command entered in the Terminal will report the number of actions:

sqlite3 ~/Library/Caches/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus/OmniFocusDatabase2 'select count(*) from Task;'
Attached Files
File Type: zip Count Database (11.6 KB, 866 views)
Don't have the iPhone app, no ATT service here so no iPhone or iPod Touch. I will try the script. Thanks
No need for AT&T (or anyone else) to have the iPod Touch! A refurb 8GB model and a copy of the OmniFocus app for it is a great deal even if you never use it for anything else, just to be able to have your system with you. I didn't think I really needed it for about a year, and now I'm coming up on about a year of not understanding how I got along without it!

As long as your Mac has WiFi or is connected to a network which does WiFi which you can use, you can sync the iPod Touch.
I'm looking at replacing my phone. I already constantly carry my phone (a Treo), a camera and a pad of paper. Currently I sync OF to the Treo via iCal. I'm looking at an Android phone and would do the same with it. I will not give up the camera. For what I do with it no cell phone camera even comes close to the quality of my new canon powershot. I have considered going back to a simple phone with an iPod & my camera but my belt pouch is already overcrowded as it is :-)

Now if OF decided to do an android version I'd be in heaven!
Go it and ran it. I am getting the details on folders, projects and single action lists but not on total numbers of actions within projects.

For the non script person, how do I add code to the existing script to also report numbers of actions for the various types Completed, Due or Flagged, Due Soon and Available?

Looks like I'd need to add an ActRec variable and count things for it but I don't even know where to begin.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Dennis (aka Toadling) wrote a script called Count Database Items which reports a count of projects and so forth broken down by type. I can never find his original post in a hurry, so I'll just attach my slightly modified copy to this post, but Dennis deserves the credit.
Even I have trouble finding my script on the web. :-)

So I've finally set up a permanent home for it on the Google Group page of the Bay Area OmniFocus Users Group (BAOFUG). Any future updates will be posted to the same spot. I suppose a version number would be helpful too, so let's call this version 1.0. Here's the link:

This version includes all of Bill's contributions and a few minor cosmetic tweaks that were lacking in earlier versions floating around this forum.

Originally Posted by Oogiem View Post
For the non script person, how do I add code to the existing script to also report numbers of actions for the various types Completed, Due or Flagged, Due Soon and Available?
IIRC, the script is already retrieving everything that can be obtained easily using OmniFocus' existing AppleScript support.

To collect data based on item state (i.e. next, available, completed, due, flagged, etc.) would require a brute force approach that would greatly increase the execution time of the script (which is already long enough to make me not want to run it very often).


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