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The +omnifocus@ email to inbox function - some questions.. Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The +omnifocus@ email to OF inbox function - some questions please!

I need some help understanding.

I will be wanting to forward emails from my iPhone that come from

Several IMAP accounts
a Gmail account
a .mac account

I just tried the alternate method of adding "--" at the start of the subject line.. it worked but required more tapping around than I care to do..

but I figure the +omnifocus forwarding method will be easiest because as I can tap in the address, the iPhone will retrieve from my addresss book before I finish even entering it (if I save it in there first!) and then BAM! Hit send - bada bing!

So... my question is... do I need to create a email address?

NOTE: cant work with "catch all" mailboxes on the IMAP accounts..

I have more leeway (or care less about...) the Google and .Mac accounts... (I feel somehow I may be getting warm here...!) Should I use those somehow?

I dont mean to be lame but I have some conceptual problems sometimes..(emails sending to other emails leading to nightmarish hall of mirrors / endless "duplication loops" that cause the world as we know it to collapse)

Thanks in advance fellow GTD-ers!

Last edited by Casper TFG; 2010-02-11 at 04:49 PM..
Problem is that forwarding mail from the iPhone gets you non-plain-text messages, which won't be successfully handled by OF...

Otherwise, I don't think there is anything you would need to do besides configuring OF to handle the +omnifocus case -- any mail server that plays ball just ignores the "+<whatever>" bit when delivering, no need to set up an account, as it is just going to whatever account you've put to the left of the "+" in the address. I use it with my and accounts without any trouble or extra configuration.

Bottom line: you can send mail directly from iPhone to OmniFocus. Forwarding mail will likely be problematic, and should instead be handled on your Mac. I'd be happy for anyone to prove me wrong on the latter, however :-)
Definitely owe you a case of virtual scotch!


So, armed with that info, I am left with is the feeling that a two stage OF input system for iPhone read mail is in my future.

1) read email - act on it - delete it - or file in IMAP folder labled "put into OF when back at home"

2) on home Mac, experiment with smart folders to see if further refinements can be made to the system.

Last edited by Casper TFG; 2010-02-12 at 01:37 PM..
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Problem is that forwarding mail from the iPhone gets you non-plain-text messages, which won't be successfully handled by OF...
So to clarify - the forwarding tricks wont 'plant' the email in OF in the same cool fashion (links to original etc) as doing it on your Mac?

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