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The server "" requires authentication Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I recently bought an iMac and synced it with my MobileMe account which I had been using with a Macbook Pro. I also downloaded Omnifocus and synced it with the MobileMe account. The syncronization worked and is still working well but I have to type my email and password every time even though I check "Remember in Keychain". How to make Keychain really remember the details?
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If you're typing your full email address, you may want to try typing just the stuff to the left of the "" part. Does that help?

If not, you can contact the support ninjas and we can look at the specific messages that are being sent back and forth between OmniFocus and the MobileMe servers on Apple's end - that may help diagnose this.
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
If you're typing your full email address, you may want to try typing just the stuff to the left of the "" part. Does that help?

If not, you can contact the support ninjas and we can look at the specific messages that are being sent back and forth between OmniFocus and the MobileMe servers on Apple's end - that may help diagnose this.
Thanks for your advice. I deleted the login.keychain and now everything works as supposed.

I'm a longstanding OF user who's just got an iPad as well, so have set up a MobileMe account for synching. When I first tried to synch from my Mac, I got the "Server '' requires authentication", and kept getting it no matter how often I types it in (and it wouldn't remember it). So I could use OF on my Mac but not synch.

I followed this thread and deleted the login.keychain. Now I get the request for authentication as soon as I open OF. If I Cancel, OF is unresponsive and I have to use Force Quit. So now I can't even *use* it! Any ideas?

Any help very gratefully received!

This sounds like the servers aren't getting the login info they expect. Either the user name or the password don't match what they expect to see for your account. If you email or call the support ninjas (800.315.6664) we're happy to help.
It sorted itself out - I guess somewhere a database hadn't updated until the next day - but it works fine now.

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