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Text within stencil Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've created a basic stencil diagram (shape of an office manila folder) and saved it to the stencil library. I can select it and drag it to the canvas. However, I can't just click on it and type text like I can with other stencils. Instead, I have to create text in a text box, size it, drag it to the stencil, and then group the items. Am I missing a step when creating the stencil? Is there a property that needs to be assigned?
My first guess would be that the shape is actually a group, or is locked. If you'd like, feel free to send the stencil to the support ninjas: I'm sure they'll be able to figure out what's up.

(We browse the forums on an as-we-can basis, but you're always guaranteed a response from the ninjas.)

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