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Connector Problems Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi - I've just started to use Omnigraffle this week and I'm really impressed with the results. However something is happening that I'm finding really frustrating!

I've drawn a flowchart and now want to use lines to connect the various objects. I want the lines to connect from a magnet point on one object to a magnet point on the other so I have checked the box to allow connections to other objects. When I create the connection, Omnigraffle re-shapes my whole flowchart so that all the objects appear in a straight (horizontal) line which then spreads it over several pages. Obviously this isn't what I want! If I un-check the allow connections to other objects box then I can't get the lines to connect in quite the right place. I seem to have been through every menu option available with no luck - can someone help please?
You've probably chosen a document template that has the auto-layout property turned on. To turn it off for an individual diagram, bring up the Canvas inspector (cmd-3), choose the Diagram Layout tab, and uncheck Automatic layout.
That's brilliant - all working fine now! Thanks a lot.

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