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Print as a single PDF page? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Does OmniWeb have any control over the page length on Print > PDF > Save as PDF?

Page breaks make sense when printing to a printer or saving a PDF that will later be printed. But when I save a page for off-line viewing, I'd really like it saved as a single long page so I can scroll thru it just like I do in my OmniWeb window.

OmniWeb's Print options include a Horizontal Pagination option. A Vertical Pagination option would be a nice companion.
If you use the save as PDF option (Hold Option to see it) from the File menu OmniWeb will save the page as one continuous page, no breaks.
Before posting my request, I checked File > Save As and Print > PDF > Save as PDF for "save as a single page."

The place I neglected to check was Help > OmniWeb Help > Saving Web Content, which describes the magic Option key. I'll confess that in the many years I've been using OmniWeb, I don't think I've ever felt the need to check Help -- everything just works.

So I'll modify my feature request on behalf of other Help-less (Help-free? Help-challenged?) users:
Please unhide File > Save as PDF

Last edited by Ward; 2006-04-26 at 01:47 PM.. Reason: fix typo
Originally Posted by Ward
So I'll modify my feature request on behalf of other Help-less (Help-free? Help-challenged?) users:

Please unhide File > Save as PDF
I'll second that!

While the Option-key + Save menu item is a handy shortcut, PDF has arguably become such a ubiquitous format, something that users are increasingly looking for, that it should be more obvious, particularly since the output is different from the Print > Save as PDF method.

Basically it's too valuable a feature to be an obscured option. :)
Pondering this further, I question whether File > Save as PDF is a feature or a usability bug.

Given that Print > PDF > Save as PDF is a feature of all apps running on Tiger, having OmniWeb's single-page variant in the File menu is effectively hiding it even if it were visible all the time (i.e., no need for the Option key trick). Who's gonna go looking when PDF output is so easily found in the Print dialog?

Of course, it may not be easy (or even possible) for OmniWeb to enhance the built-in Print Save as PDF support.

Answering my "Who's gonna look" question: Adobe InDesign users, who find the fancy PDF options in the File > Export dialog.

Hmmm. I should stop debating myself here in public. :rolleyes:
Wow, learned something new today, thank you very much! The Save as PDF feature is definitely useful, and I can only second the request to make it visible in the File menu without having to use the Option key. Alternatively, it could be in the Save As menu, where you'd be given a choice between PDF and whatever format the website is in.

There's one other problem that I can think of when I look at the PDFs produced by OmniWeb: they do not preserve hyperlinks, which is kind of annoying. I'm really having a hard time understanding how exactly the Save as PDF feature works; I used to think that it would only send a "screenshot" to a built-in PS printer, but several applications (Apple's Pages 2 and the ever so amazing OmniGraffle 4, for instance) can preserve internal links and hyperlinks while others (e.g. Nisus Writer Express) cannot. I guess what I'm trying to say is: please consider adding hyperlink support to OmniWeb's PDF mechanism. I'm not sure how difficult that would be to implement, but it seems useful and logical to me, since we're dealing with websites here. How do other users feel about this?
My number 1 request for the PDF feature would be preservation of links. However, it would probably help if Apple introduced this at the OS level in their PDF creation routines so that OmniWeb would get it for free...

It's funny, I've been using the option key Save as PDF for so long now, it never occurred to me that others didn't know anything about it. It was one of the things I missed most about the initial sneaky peeks.
Originally Posted by JKT
My number 1 request for the PDF feature would be preservation of links.
Yes, absolutely! It would (obviously!) make a big difference.

Originally Posted by JKT
However, it would probably help if Apple introduced this at the OS level in their PDF creation routines so that OmniWeb would get it for free...
It would be great if Apple did, but I wonder if the fact that this has been added to OmniGraffle PDF export might help with getting it into OmniWeb? Not free, but amortising the cost... ;)

Last edited by marc; 2006-05-02 at 08:49 AM..
Does this work in the latest SP? I hold option, choose file, no pdf option.
Command-Option-S (or just hold Command-Option while looking at the File menu).

It used to just be Option when there was a dedicated Save As menu.

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