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Can you paste several rows into another column? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
It doesn't appear that I can paste several rows into any column other than the first one. Is that not possible?
If you copy entire rows, OmniOutliner is going to paste them as entire rows. (Rows contain cells which are part of a column, but there's no way for a column to contain rows.)

I suppose you could copy the rows, paste them into some other app that handles rich text (TextEdit, Word, etc) and then paste that converted text back into a cell in OmniOutliner...
I see what you mean, but I thought once you create an extra column, don't you have cells of text in row 1/column 1, row 1/column 2, etc.

Actually I was trying to past a column of data from Excel into one of the OO columns, and it would only paste it into the first column.

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