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Server Requires Authentication Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I don't get on here very often because Omnifocus usually works just fine. I just upgraded to version 1.9.1 and now when I start up Omnifocus I get a message that says "The server "" requires authentication, and am provided with two places to insert for "Name:" and the other for "Password:" I take this to mean I should enter my name and password for "" so I do that, but then the same splash screen appears.

If anybody has an idea of what is going on, please let me know. Any and all tips appreciated.

Best Regards,

Is MobileMe your usual way of syncing?
I'm not sure. Once I set it up I never looked at it or thought about it again. How do I find out?
Sync is configured in the Sync preferences pane, accessible from the OmniFocus menu.

I have a vague recollection that things can get confounded if your keychain gets multiple entries for MobileMe. It may be easiest to work one-on-one with one of our Support Ninjas to hunt this down. or 800 315-6664 or +1 206-523-4152

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