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Problems with mail rule [Lion, MailTags] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I'm running Lion, have Mailtags installed and Omnifocus 1.9.2

I can't get mail rules to create new inbox entries in omnifocus. When I try and create the rule I get an error message:

"MailTags versions up to 2.2b5 disables the creation of Mail rules via AppleScript, preventing enabling or editing of the OmniFocus Mail rule. If you are running this version, please uninstall MailTags, relaunch Mail, and try this again (at which point you can re-install MailTags)"

I've completely uninstalled Mailtags, but still get the same error message"

A rule does get created in mail but when it triggers the step invoking the script to create an entry in omnifocus seems to get skipped...

well I've posted a significant mail rule bug related to mailbags and omnifocus (in a separate thread).
Although mailbags in completely uninstalled omnifocus is still giving an error message related to mailbags and refusing to install a mail message...
any chance of some insight?
Originally Posted by bister View Post

I'm running Lion, have Mailtags installed and Omnifocus 1.9.2

I can't get mail rules to create new inbox entries in omnifocus. When I try and create the rule I get an error message:

"MailTags versions up to 2.2b5 disables the creation of Mail rules via AppleScript, preventing enabling or editing of the OmniFocus Mail rule. If you are running this version, please uninstall MailTags, relaunch Mail, and try this again (at which point you can re-install MailTags)"

I've completely uninstalled Mailtags, but still get the same error message"

A rule does get created in mail but when it triggers the step invoking the script to create an entry in omnifocus seems to get skipped...

I am having the same issue. I have tried reinstalling and re-removing MailTags, but it has not helped. I have gone through the Library folder and manually removed all files I can find for MailTags.

Any help?
That error message seems to indicate that some portion of MailTags is still installed on the Mac. I'd suggest contacting their support folks for help in resolving this.
This has worked fine but has now stopped working. I have tried disabling the script and re-enabling with no luck. Running 10.7.2 with OF 1.9.4. I am running MailTags an Mail Act-on but have been for years successfully with OmniFocus.

I've removed all traces of all things InDev to no avail.
Originally Posted by fullcity View Post

I've removed all traces of all things InDev to no avail.
Have you unchecked 'Mail With MailTags' in the clipping preferences? The script calling the MailTags functions is within the OmniFocus app bundle, so you'll want to uncheck this option if you are not using MailTags.
I don't think this issue is because of indev software.

Looking in my console logs I find some errors. Basically when trying to specify All Mail of my gmail account, I get an NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = -1728 that it can't get the "All Mail" of account "".

I suspect the error is caught by some code that 'assumes' it is because of the indev software.
This error is NOT an OmniFocus bug. I too was having this "MailTags versions" problem after uninstalling MailTags. (Date of problem: 10-Aug-12) I'm running Mountain Lion, OS X 10.8, on a MBP. I was getting frustrated. I then left OmniFocus and went back to Apple Mail app, Preferences, Rules, Inbox Rules, and checked the box "Send to OmniFocus."

I then returned to OmniFocus, Preferences, Mail. The OmniFocus Mail preferences selections window now functioned normally and within that window, the "Allowed From Addresses" was restored (repopulated with my allowed addresses), etc.

To confirm all was well I then returned Apple Mail app, Preferences, Rules, Inbox Rules, and successfully created new rules to send items from Apple Mail to my OmniFocus Inbox. Life is good again!

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