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Location Reminders - task-based rather than Context-based? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Love that Location Reminders is included in latest release! I admit I haven't had a chance to try it out in practice. However, I'm kind of stuck setting up a Notification, and choosing between When Arriving and When Leaving. Wouldn't that be best left up to the Task itself rather than the Context?

"Reminder when I arrive home to defrost the roast."
"Reminder when I leave home to turn down the heat."

There also might be taske you don't want to be reminded about.

Is this something that can be considered for a future release? I'm kind of stuck in a decision loop now.

Good points, Dave - I'll get feature requests written up on those ideas, so the rest of the team knows about those. Thanks!
Clarifying: wrote up feature requests for per-action overrides to the defaults specified by the settings in the context. Folks aren't going to want to set up all the location settings for each and every action they want to be reminded of...
Originally Posted by dmcomeau View Post
"Reminder when I arrive home to defrost the roast."
"Reminder when I leave home to turn down the heat."
For the time being, you could set up a subcontext of Home: When Leaving for those actions you want notifications for when leaving, and then set up "when arriving" notifications for your original Home context.
I've been using subcontexts to simulate per task location reminders, but I want to second the vote on per task location reminders. I have a bunch of tasks in my GTD-style Errands context, but there is certainly no one location that all of my Errands can be assigned to. Likewise, I have a long list of items that I need to do in my Home context, but only one or two that I need to be reminded about when I get near the house, not "Change the A/C filter (and 21 more)".

Siri and Reminders are cool in that they got me looking back at how Omnifocus does location based actions, and I quickly remembered why I never adopted them. Putting location reminders on individual actions would be great.

Last edited by Vramin; 2011-10-18 at 05:27 PM.. Reason: I mentioned location based reminders in OF, but I meant locations on actions
I saw this feature, got excited, but quickly found out how difficult this would be to implement for reasons already explained. I don't want to clutter up my contexts with 'Home (arrive)' and another one called 'Home (leave)'. I haven't used it for this reason.

I really would like to use this because I think Apple missed the boat with iOS 5 on their reminders app. The is lacking in that you can't put in an address or choose a location from a map, and have to use a contact (which I find very unintuitive). I think OmniFocus has a really good chance at making this the way that it should be.

+1 vote for location settings (arrive and leave) be task (not context) dependent.
Added both requests since my last post to the dev database. Thanks, folks!
Hi Brian, add my vote too, please.
My vote too please. Just tried to set up individual action location reminders and stumbled over the context restriction. Both options are definitely needed.
Added. Thanks, everyone.

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