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How to remove automatic hyperlinks? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I would like to paste (or type) some text in OF, usually in the note for an item or in the item's text itself, without it becoming a hyperlink when it looks like a link (but isn't). For instance, I have a file with a name that looks like this aaaa.www.abcde. When I paste or type this, OF thinks it is a link and the second part "www.abcd" gets underlined and colored blue and clicking on it sends me to which is not what I want.

All I want is to type text that remains text and doesn't try to second guess my intentions. The "edit link" and "remove link" commands in the contextual menu do not remove it.


P.S. This forum does exactly the same thing, at least when I "Preview Post"...
If you right-click on the link and choose Remove Link, it stays styled like a link, but should not actually function as a clickable link at that point. You can see this by clicking on it, or by right-clicking and observing that you are offered the option to make it a link.
I do see the "remove link" item but activating it does nothing. The link is still active.

And even if it did remove the link (which it doesn't), I would not be happy to have a piece of text remain blue and underlined if it wasn't a link...

As a workaround, I have, for the time being, escaped the periods in such text strings by preceding them with a \.
I got it to undo the link, but upon further experimentation, it comes back when I deselect the action. It does seem to work properly with links that have a title other than the URL, but of course that isn't much consolation for you. I was able to add strings that look like URLs without having them made into links by editing the database directly, but a) that isn't very practical, and b) as soon as you do anything with the note, they get converted to links.

I would use Help->Send Feedback to contact Omni and ask if there is a hidden configuration option that would disable the automatic text->link conversion, and request the feature if there isn't.

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