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Page break before row Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
In the help for v.3.10.3, it states that you can "Select the Page break before row checkbox to insert a page break above the currently selected row."

I couldn't find that. Is it no longer an option? If it isn't, is there another way of effecting page breaks at selected rows?

-- Also, is there a way of importing an RTF so that each of its paragraphs is placed in a new row?

That option is in the Advanced section of the Row Inspector, and only appears in OmniOutliner Professional (I don't recall which version you have).

If you open your RTF file in something like TextEdit, select the whole thing, Edit->Copy, and then Edit->Paste into OmniOutliner (having first clicked on a row handle where you want the material pasted) you should get a row for every paragraph that you had on the clipboard. Might have to go through and delete some blank lines, depending on how the original was formatted.

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