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Arrows on Circle Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have some very pretty circles I've drawn in OmniGraffle :-) I'm using them to illustrate the continuous nature of a cyclical process. However since it illustrates the passage of time I would also like an arrow on my circles. How could I add an arrowhead to my circles without destroying what I already built?

See the attached Picture to get an idea.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	POs View of Scrum.png
Views:	2912
Size:	46.9 KB
ID:	2998  

Last edited by mlevison; 2014-05-02 at 12:02 PM.. Reason: Added missing attachment
If you mean having a small "v" at some point on a circle, why not draw or see a lower case v would do, and add it to a circle. You can cut & paste a v multiple times and add each one to an existing circle. Or make one circle-v paie and group them, then copy & paste for new circles.

Or perhaps I am not understanding what you need.
Pvonk - (sorry the computer doesn't reveal your real name). Thanks that's a pretty good hack and perhaps the best that can be done. It seems inelegant though I've got a powerful drawing tool and I'm hacking in a solution.

Thanks much for the suggestion
If you've got the OG Pro version, you can create the union of a circle with a block arrow (Edit>Shapes>Unite Shapes).
John - thanks. I've got the trial version, so I suppose I have access to Pro features. That is more elegant but for $100 more I suspect I will just stick to 'v''s after the trial.

have you seen this post?

But I guess you have to redo you original drawing to use this.
Oblomow (sorry I don't know your real name) - that is seriously cool. I'm not going to redraw my diagram today but that just upped OmniGraffle's cool status by +100 :-)

Mark - a graphically inept human

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