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Feature request: multiple views Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
In my heavy use of kGTD (the raw XML of my Kinkless outline is 2.6mb) I often find myself wasting significant time switching between views when doing a review. I created keyboard shortcuts to hoist the different sections and jump quickly to projects and contexts by name, and I know I can drag and drop into the section drawer, but what I ultimately find most useful is to be able to review my inbox or other pending list while simultaneously acting on the items by modifying my master project/action list.

This can be accomplished (roughly) in OO3 by simply duplicating the outline and opening the copy for reference, only.

In OmniFocus, it would be ideal to be able to work in multiple live views at once during intensive reviews.
OmniFocus supports multiple live windows on the same task list. Each window's views are independent, so you can (for example) see your context list and your task list at the same time and edit them in either place (and see your edits immediately reflected in the other views).
That's really a cool feature that Ethan's video did not showcase. Will spare many jumps between different views. Good stuff.
How do you create the shortcuts to various sections?
Select the various sections you want to jump to in the sidebar of either view.
(Optionally, you can use the Focus command under the view menu before doing the next step.)
Under the perspectives menu, select "Save window as new perspective".
When you do this, the perspectives info window will appear; give your new perspective a name and click in the "Click to record shortcut" space at the bottom of the window, then pressing whatever key(s) you want to use to bring up that view.

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