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Copying and pasting without formating Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hey all,

My question is if there is a way to copy and paste into omni outliner without the formating coming with it. I often draw from different sources, and the formating comes with it. Do I just have to make the outline and then clear the styles for everything?

Thanks, Matt
Originally Posted by JLockeCU View Post
My question is if there is a way to copy and paste into omni outliner without the formating coming with it.
If you check the Edit menu, right below the "Paste" menu item there should be a "Paste With Current Style" item. That will do what I think you are asking for.

Can Omni Group please make "Paste With Current Style" the default pasting selection? Or at least give us a choice as to which paste command we want to be our default?
Why change the code, when you can simply change your settings in System Preferences?

Yes, that's what I did for now.
Then why you would want Omni to spend its valuable development resources on something you can already easily do with supported software, instead of something only they can do, like put substantial new features in OmniOutliner? It may seem to someone on the outside like there is no appreciable cost to do a niggling little feature request like this would appear to be, but in practice, it rarely works out that way.
Thanks for this tip, wh. I've been trying to figure out how to do just that and didn't think of looking into System Prefs.

This is one of the many reasons I love OS X.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Then why you would want Omni to spend its valuable development resources on something you can already easily do with supported software, instead of something only they can do, like put substantial new features in OmniOutliner? It may seem to someone on the outside like there is no appreciable cost to do a niggling little feature request like this would appear to be, but in practice, it rarely works out that way.
Good point. I had forgotten about that wonderful keyboard shortcut part of the system preferences when I posted this request. Although my other favorite utility, Keyboard Maestro, would have handled this just fine as well.

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