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Problem with repeat when start date and due date exist Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
When I have an item set to have a start date and a due date one day later
that is also repeating every day, set to repeat based on completion date
when I complete the item
the start date and due date does not change

I think this is because the repeat interval is set to one day, the due date is set to tomorrow, so the logic will not let the item advance to two days in advance.

Expected logic:
if an Item has a start date
and is completed
the start date should go to the next repeat date
and the due date should advance based on its relationship to start date

if an item has a start date and a due date
the start date should go to the next repeat date
and the due date should advance based on its relationship to the start date

if an item has a due date only
the due date should go to the next repeat date

Send to Omni if you agree...
It's been a while and this idea has been quiet and I'd like to see more discussion.
What I stumble on these days is: when a task is created in the quick entry and has no start or due date has been set but then in OF I set it to repeat monthly and then mark it as complete the result is that the DUE date is set to the next month date. I would rather see the START date set.
Originally Posted by pjb View Post
It's been a while and this idea has been quiet and I'd like to see more discussion.
What I stumble on these days is: when a task is created in the quick entry and has no start or due date has been set but then in OF I set it to repeat monthly and then mark it as complete the result is that the DUE date is set to the next month date. I would rather see the START date set.
The easy solution to that is to set a start date when you make it into a repeating action.

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