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How do I change background/text color, fonts, and styles? [Colour] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
How can you, say, change the default size, color and font for Notes attached to tasks?
You had to ask about notes... :)

For everything but notes, you can change the style using the standard formatting controls and it will apply to all items that share that style.

But since notes are rich text and support multiple styles, changing the style there currently just affects the note you're editing and not the default style for all notes. We intend to fix this, we just haven't decided how best to do that yet. Any suggestions? (A menu item that saves the current style as the default? Some preferences somewhere?)
What about something similar to how OmniOutliner Pro handles styles? I'm sure you must have thought of doing it that way, though I don't know what the drawbacks would be. As an OOP3 user, I love how it's so easy to see exactly what each style is and how it contributes to the styling for each outline element. (Originally posted here.)
I'd be happy with a simple preference to specify a typeface (including size and color). Just a simple Default Note Font pref.
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
You had to ask about notes... :)

For everything but notes, you can change the style using the standard formatting controls and it will apply to all items that share that style.
I new to OF (and really like it!) but do you define what all styles there are someplace? For example - I just selected an action with red text and changed it to a different style but there are other styles and I'm not sure what they all mean. I can guess but it sure would be nice to have them defined somewhere (prefs?). Even better if we could define our own styles based on action/note/context/due date/nest level/flagged (maybe even by Project) etc.

(Also submitting via Feedback)

I've just bought omnifocus. It seams great. I use omnioutliner a lot and i'm very desapointed that i can't apply some flexible style like omnioutliner ; that's so useful and more. I really hope you plane to develop that.
I would prefer to be able to style the other fields besides the notes on an individual basis as well. I would prefer to be able, in particular, to make words or phrases in action items bold so I can kind of convey the important part.
I actually find the current formatting method to be a bit irritating. I'll hit, say, cmd+i to try to bring up the inspectors, and instead I make EVERY context italic. No fun. I think a "save style as default" across the board would make a lot more sense, and would also allow styling on an individual basis when it's desirable.
Originally Posted by iNik View Post
I actually find the current formatting method to be a bit irritating. I'll hit, say, cmd+i to try to bring up the inspectors, and instead I make EVERY context italic....
Command-i would be better used for the inspectors as they're used far more often.
Hello all, my first post.

OF doesn't seem to "remember" any formatting changes I make. Every time I quit and restart the styles/formats all revert to default Helvetica. This is a known issue and happens to everyone?

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