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Question: Auto Start Date Option? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is there anyway to set up your tasks so that they automatically use the current date as the start date when entered? Couldn't find it.

I'm not certain why you'd need this; if there's no start date, it's available immediately; the only value is having a start date is for tasks which start in the future and shouldn't show up until then.

What are you trying to accomplish?
I like entering the start date as the date that the task is entered into my system (creation date). It acts as a marker for how long a task has existed thereby letting me get an idea when reviewing my tasks of which have lingered around for to long and may need some attention.

I don't usually use tasks with future start dates. If it goes into my system it is ready to get started on immediately.
There is an "added date" that's automatically generated. You can see it in the Inspector. Is having it usable in some other form (e.g. sorted on) important?

If so, that's a legit feature request.
Well it is important to me anyway. I like to see the date a task was created when I review my tasks without having to use the inspector. Perhaps at some point in the future the option will be available to view an "added date" column in either of the primary mode views.
If you haven't already done so you should send feedback from OF.

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