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Exporting Audio to Keynote Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

new user to OmniOutliner... If i've missed the obvious answer to this, sorry...
(still going thru the entire User Guide), but searching has not found the answer...

Q: Is it possible to record audio in OOP and export it to Keynote?

I can record and export, but the Audio does NOT seem to get exported...

is this possible with Applescript... I didn't see any obvious Applescript terms for dealing with Audio in my brief glance thru the OO Applescript dictionary.

keith daniel
It's not possible to have the audio exported by OmniOutliner (there isn't any AppleScript support for attachments either) but you can drag the audio file out from the OmniOutliner document.
I've tried dragging an audio recording directly between OO and Keynote '08 (version 4.0.1)... it won't drag.

Or, more accurately... it drags, the cursor changes to a arrow with "+", but when it's dropped on a slide, it refuses to "stick"...

If I drag the audio clipping first to the desktop, drop it, THEN drag it to OO it works...

but... that's a PAIN...

so, when you say one can drag audio clips, how do you mean that... hopefully not first to the desktop for every clipping.

Hmm you're right. Keynote won't let you do that. I don't think there's anything we can do about that unfortunately, it looks to be a fault with Keynote. You get the same results trying to drag attachments from TextEdit to Keynote.

Are you creating Keynote presentation in OmniOutliner (and exporting it) or are you just using it to record audio?
TRYING to use it to actually build the presentation + audio.. then export it to keynote... I find it easier to organize my thoughts in OO before I get bogged down in formatting everything in Keynote and worrying about how much fits on each slide, etc. But... it's beginning to look like that's not going to be practical... too difficult to go from OO to Keynote.

I "suspect" (but don't know for sure) that it's because of the format the audio is in in OO... when I open the recording in QT, it actually seems to open a "temporary" version.

"OmniOutliner Audio Recording" is the name of the file opened QT Player.

So, apparently the Finder is converting it to .mov when I drag it to the Desktop, which I can then drop on Keynote. I can find no way to change the format in OO.

Last edited by kdaniel; 2008-01-31 at 06:13 AM..

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