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OF Pricing: The great debate of '08 Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've been using omnifocus for the past 14 days on the limited trial, and have to say that I think it's a great program. It's very efficient, and presents a powerful tool for the organization of ideas and priorities.

However, the $80 price-tag is something that I cannot afford and do not understand. No matter which way I turn this program it still feels empty at it's heart. Why are you folks at Omnifocus charging so much for the implementation of a system that isn't original (unless, of course you did invent GTD)? Also, my other gripe is that at it's heart the program is fairly simple: a relational database of lists. On the front end, I don't see a single groundbreaking feature that isn't inherent of OS X's latest interface upgrades.

So, why is it so expensive? Are you genuinely interested in helping people, or are you simply waiting for folks to lock their important data into your program so that at the end of the trial they are forced to purchase a license?
You say it's a great prog, but not affordable. Then it isn't the app for you.
I got in via early adopter and upgrade so it was right for me. If you like the idea but not the price there are loads out there to try

and all the online versions

As for me, OF is the right app - and the price at the time was perfect
Even though I got it for the discount, I agree it shouldn't be above the $50 mark.

$49.95 would have been good, $80 is too much.

Originally Posted by neb View Post
However, the $80 price-tag is something that I cannot afford and do not understand. No matter which way I turn this program it still feels empty at it's heart. Why are you folks at Omnifocus charging so much for the implementation of a system that isn't original (unless, of course you did invent GTD)? Also, my other gripe is that at it's heart the program is fairly simple: a relational database of lists. On the front end, I don't see a single groundbreaking feature that isn't inherent of OS X's latest interface upgrades.
It seems reasonably-priced to me, especially if you were able to take advantage of the various discounts. And judging from the early sales reports from Omni, it sounds like the market agrees.

Quality software and support is difficult and costs money. And, at least in my mind, that's one of OmniFocus' biggest selling points. Does any other company producing a GTD app for the Mac have the reputation for quality that Omni has?

I think there's innovation in OmniFocus too. But innovation is rarely conceived in a vacuum. It's built upon the advancements of others. So maybe there's nothing earth-shattering in OmniFocus, but it takes a few steps forward at least.

Of course, if you don't agree, the simple solution is to simply vote with your wallet. Keep your money and instead use the features "inherent of OS X's latest interface upgrades".

Originally Posted by neb View Post
So, why is it so expensive? Are you genuinely interested in helping people, or are you simply waiting for folks to lock their important data into your program so that at the end of the trial they are forced to purchase a license?
Let's not kid ourselves, Omni produces software for profit. They're in business to make money (although I suppose they'd like to help people along the way as well). But to ask them to devalue their product to "genuinely help people" is unfair, especially considering the costs involved and the condition of the market and competition.
Originally Posted by BwanaZulia View Post
$49.95 would have been good, $80 is too much.
I agree with BwanaZulia, but maybe I should clarify my position better. I'm a designer myself, and I've been active in the software market for most of my life as a producer and consumer.

I'm not asking asking the Omni Group to devalue their product, I'm simply suggesting that it is inflated/overpriced. Even as the product is markedly targeted toward families, shouldn't that reflect a company with better values than "we are here to make money" cliche?

I've met plenty of developers who work for little or nothing and produce good software out of principle (OS X comes with a full suite of dev tools for free), so I'm really not sympathetic to your stance.

I see in your program a very well-made tool, that has the potential to better many lives (and by associated function, society). Shouldn't that in itself be the "value", to get this software into the right hands? Otherwise, shunting Omnifocus into a richer target market is simply stretching an already overinflated economy. You'll make money, but will it matter?
Yeah, I feel that around $40-45 is appropriate for the software as it stands now. For $80 I'd expect seamless integration with OmniPlan and other apps and work in a distributed manner (where multiple peeps are working on a OmniPlan project).
My 2 cents:

I got the early discount. If I hadn't I would have paused at paying $80. As wfiveash said, I would have expected fuller capabilities for that price point. That being said, the OmniGroup has poured a ton of resources and time in developing the product.

We in the osx community are fortunate to have lots of GTD choices out there.
What's ground breaking is that Omnifocus is the first GTD app I've stuck with. That's worth $80 despite whatever complaints I might have about it.

I think Omni gets away with the $80 price point because they have one of the best reputations in the Mac software market. They are extremely good at what they do and their price is a reflection of that commitment to quality.
I agree that 80.00 bucks for one program can seem unreasonable, and in all honesty I would have expected something around the 50.00 mark.

That said, I would have eventually paid the money. It doesn't matter if it has anything that's 'ground breaking' or not. I put my whole life into omnifocus. I use it every single day, multiple times during the day. For the amount of time I spend in omnifocus 80.00 bucks doesn't faze me.

Not to mention that I omnigroup has a long history. Some other gtd programs look enticing, but will they be around in 2 years? Who knows. The odds on omnigroup, and omnifocus, being around in the future is a chance I feel good taking.

There are other choices, free, or at least cheaper, and that's a good thing. Competition is good.

Lastly, it's all relative. You said you can't afford 80 dollars. But if it was 50 dollars someone else couldn't afford it. You can't do business that way.
As a designer, I feel the crunch of software prices every time Adobe releases a new version of Photoshop, etc. But Photoshop is something that I use everyday, it is an essential tool.

If Omnifocus has made itself invaluable to you during the trial period, then I don't think it is too much to pay $80. I pay much more Photoshop and I don't get the personal support that the Omni Group has offered.

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