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Copying and Pasting Tab Stops Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm not exactly sure how to search for this. I tried "ruler" and "tab stops". I've got a series of text boxes that have already been created in a PDF. I open the PDF in OmniGraffle 5.

Visually, I have

Now, I want to be able to apply the tab stops from "Text Box A" to "Text Box B". If I copy all of the text out of Text Box A and paste into Text Box B, I get the tab stops, but now I have to re-enter all my text. The workaround now is to manually remove all the extra tab stops that I don't want to use. If I can't paste ruler settings from one text box to another, is there a way to at least "Clear All Tabs" so that I don't have to drag them out one by one?

Last edited by KeynoteKen; 2008-04-23 at 11:22 AM.. Reason: inserting image
I'm afraid that there isn't a way to do either easily in OmniGraffle, however we have existing feature requests to better manage tab stops as well as to clear them all out. I've gone ahead and added your comments to both entries in our tracking database.

"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Thanks, Joel.

When I was working on my project, I finally figured out that Option-Tab was how you use tabs in a text box... thought that maybe I was probably missing something else obvious. I'll be looking forward to the enhancements!

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