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Feature Request: Multiple Locations per Context Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm trying to make use of the 'Nearby Actions' feature. It's great when a context is specific to a particular place, such as my office, but the time that I'm most likely to use it is for sub-contexts within my Errands context. For example, if I need to buy a new hard disk, I might add an action to an 'Errands: Computer Store' context. Then, whenever I am shopping near one of my preferred local computer stores that I have added as GPS locations, I can look it up quickly, without getting the often irrelevant results that come from using the Business Search feature.

Alternatively, if I could work out how to successfully add a boolean expression to the Business Search, this might work almost as well, e.g.

"PC World" or Maplin

would only return the stores that I wanted to visit.
The way to get this is to set your business search to
"PC World" OR "Maplin"
We're asking Google for the same data you get when you do a business search on
Note that case is significant - the "OR" must be in uppercase so that it will be recognized as a boolean operator rather than a term in the search string.
Thanks guys. I'd worked out the Google Maps linkage already (I'm using it to test my search criteria on the desktop before I add them to OmniFocus).

I hadn't managed to find any good Advanced Search documentation on Google maps to indicate the need for an uppercase OR, so that's a great tip.

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