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Due Today in a different color? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm new to OF, and I like being able to set Due Soon = 2 days

However, is there anyway on the iPhone to have today's items show in a different color from tomorrow's items in this scenario? The items don't show a date so I can't differentiate between what I need to do today vs tomorrow.

The only thing you could do would be to set all your due dates to 12:01 am on the day they're due. Then today's would show as red (because OmniFocus would think they're overdue) and tomorrow's would show as orange (due soon). But that's really a hackish workaround.

I'll file a feature request for you.
Related font color issue. I changed my font colors on Omnifocus for the Mac, but this apparently does not change the colors of items on Omnifocus for the iPhone. I find the orange color one of the hardest to see on my iPhone. Any plan to enable sync of this preference to the desktop so that my todo items would show in my preferred color green for the iPhone?
Todd, the iPhone application currently doesn't have the ability to change the styles used for the various states, but we have a feature request open on that. If you send email to the support ninjas, they can add a vote for that change on your behalf. Thanks!
I'd like to add another vote to changing the font colors for due soon as well. I'm not a fan of the orange coloring either. :)
sounds like there's a lot of demand for a "Today" feature, something where all things to be done today can be seen in one location. Instead of bouncing around to each project and context.
Not everyone has the same notion of "to be done today", and those of us with more of a GTD slant to our workflow are likely to see constructing the "today" list as the equivalent to a practice specifically discouraged by David Allen, namely, the making of daily to-do lists (see p. 40, 'No More "Daily To-Do" Lists'). But, if you find that to be a useful practice, flag the actions and/or projects that you want to work on today, and work from the Flagged smart folder.

Personally, I'd much rather see a "Started Today" smart folder that shows all the actions which have become available today (think tickler folder), which can't be emulated in any reasonable fashion. Much more relaxing to be proactive, knocking things off as they become available for action, rather than reactive, scurrying to get things done just before the deadline.
While we're talking about flagging tasks, I think it would be really a time-saver if we had the option to flag tasks from the list without having to open each task individually and turn the flag on.

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