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Sneaky Peak builds Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The last few builds (since 22-08-2008) haven't had anything added in the release notes, which makes me a bit nervous about installing - is there anywhere to see more info on each build?

Someone from Omni once posted that a build of the iPhone app can also trigger a build of the Mac version. So there might not be any changes in a new sneaky peak.

I, too, would like to know more (but that's not keeping me from installing anyway :).


UPDATE - Here we go: it was Ken in this post.

Last edited by Toadling; 2008-08-26 at 06:07 PM..
Ah OK thanks Dennis.

It'd be good to know for sure that no notes = no changes even if the build number has changed, so I know whether to bother or not. Or is it possible some indescribable stuff has changed, but it just doesn't make it into the notes?
Sorry, lack of release notes does not guarantee that there haven't been any changes. It's a reasonable _indicator_, but the sneaky peek release process is automated, so new builds will get pushed whether or not we remembered to update the release notes, and whether or not any change was considered "interesting" enough to document. (Code restructuring and commenting, etc., is unlikely to warrant a release note.)

At least for now, that's simply a limitation of the automated process. It would certainly be valid for a user to simply skip releases that don't claim to offer anything new. :-)

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