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Saving printer settings Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
How do I save printer settings in Omniplan.

I have a chart where I want smaller margins than the default.

If I do cmd-P, one of the pull-down menus brings me to an omniplan environment where I can adjust the margins. This works fine. However,
when I then exit the program and start again, the margins are back to
the default.

I've tried to do save-as in the presets pull down menu. This creates an entry, but it doesn't save the new margins.

Sorry about this, it's a bug with margins that we're aware of. For now you'll have to enter the margin settings in for every print.
Any news on when the basic printing issues in OmniPlan will be fixed?

The last response here is from 16 months ago, and I believe there have been one or two versions of OmniPlan since then. Having to change the printer margins for every single print is a nuisance, to say the least…

I don't know what other users' experience is, but for me the margin settings don't even stick for the current OmniPlan session. I could understand this for a basic and/or cheap piece of software, but for a $150 package several versions down the line, it's not really good enough for what would seem to be an easily fixable bug.


This has also been submitted as feedback.
We are absolutely going to fix this problem, and I'm really sorry we haven't been able to get a fix out for it yet. Here's a bit of explanation on why it hasn't happened yet.

Our general approach is to try and give the highest priority to the stuff that helps our customers the most. The way we attempt to measure that is by looking at the number of times a customer has told us that they need a given change in a support email or phone call. Bug age, severity, and how easy a fix is to do also play a role in the process, of course; I'm oversimplifying a bit here.

For what it's worth, in the conversation I had with Ken about this, he uttered the phrase "nothing in printing is easy". :-)

Sorting the open items in the database by the number of requests attached, this one comes in at #30; there's one other printing item on the list. We're definitely not ignoring issues; we're trying to address our customers' highest priorities first. As we knock off other issues, this one will move up that list; if other folks need this change, sending email to the support ninjas will also help that happen.
Thanks for your response, Brian.

I guess I'll just need to hang on until it rises to the top of the fix list :o)


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