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iCloud Reminders Deleted when Reminders Capture enabled [A: Set up alternate Reminders list] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I had been using the new Reminders app in Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) as a sort of daily punchlist for a few days, but about 10 days ago opened the program to see all my data erased.

I was able to contact AppleCare because I still have an iCloud device with a support contract. Over a week later Apple was able to restore my Reminders from a backup. The techs reported that OmniFocus had caused the data loss.

Has anyone else using OmniFocus on iPhone or Mac OS X 10.8 lost all the data in their Apple Reminders app?
If you have Reminders integration set on the iPhone, then every time Omnifocus fetches an entry from Reminders, it copies it over to OF and deletes it from Reminders. That's the design behaviour.

However, if you're saying that (a) you don't have the feature set on the iPhone or (b) the Reminder entry never gets into OF, that sounds like a bug
Having exactly the same problem.

Made worse because my wife & son use Reminders too and we're all synced together for food shopping items we need.

Did you ever find a way to stop Omnifocus deleting the reminder lists?
I'm using an iphone4 with IOS6
If you turn on Reminders Capture in OmniFocus, it will move reminders from the Reminders app to your OmniFocus Inbox—which is a great way to add tasks to OmniFocus using Siri. (We don't leave the reminders in both places because you'd get multiple reminders for them and have to check them off twice.)

If you don't want this, you can either turn off the Reminders Capture feature—or you can create a separate list in Reminders and tell OmniFocus to capture from that list (leaving all your other Reminders lists alone). On iOS 6, you can choose which list you'd like OmniFocus to capture from. (This choice appears when you have more than one Reminders list.) On iOS 5, the alternate list must be called "OmniFocus".

Hope this helps!
I may have asked this before, but is there currently any way to move/copy/sync tasks from OmniFocus *to* Reminders, other than manually copying and pasting or maybe AppleScript?
No, there is no way for OmniFocus to send items to Reminders; OmniFocus only captures Reminders.
Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
No, there is no way for OmniFocus to send items to Reminders; OmniFocus only captures Reminders.
There's no way? has to be a workaround that can be cooked up...

I've been breaking my head around this.. I'm trying to make best use of the file formats out of the desktop OF and somehow making it's way into Reminders...

plain text, html, cvs..

Anyone have any ideas?
I meant there is no button or menu item or whatever within OmniFocus to send items to Reminders.

It looks like there's enough AppleScript support in each app to create Reminders from OmniFocus actions.

If you're not so inclined to scripting, Reminders seems willing to import .ics files. So you'd just need to find an AppleScript to export some OmniFocus actions to Calendar items. Note that Reminders will need to be tagged VTODO instead of VEVENT.

Omni's in the middle of a whole office move, so it's *possible* I'll end up with some weird time on my hands to try something like this today. If not, hopefully this post will give you enough to investigate for yourself.

Big thanks for the tips.

I'll try the VTODO tagging and see how the import works.
please let me know, I am very interested in it!

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