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How do I turn on the Reminders Capture feature? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
How do I turn on the Reminders Capture feature in OF for iPhone?
I'm not interested in it for Siri, because my iPhone 5 doesn't support it. I'd like to use it as a short cut to my OF inbox when I'm using Reminders for other simple lists
I don't see it anywhere in Settings or any other part of OF iPhone.
Please help. tia.
Originally Posted by watchit View Post
How do I turn on the Reminders Capture feature in OF for iPhone?
I'm not interested in it for Siri, because my iPhone 5 doesn't support it. I'd like to use it as a short cut to my OF inbox when I'm using Reminders for other simple lists
I don't see it anywhere in Settings or any other part of OF iPhone.
Please help. tia.
The same Problem for me. I even have a Iphone 4 only. I just bought Omnifocus yesterday evening and right now I have been very disappointed with it due to the fact that - in spite I followed the Explanation given in the manual - I canīt get htis feature working. In the Settings of my iphone I canīt find any option to configure this. I also checked Settings in Omnifocus... a nightmare...

Any idea here?

I have so many reminders in my iphone that I definitely do not intend to type them in again manually. This Feature has been one of the main reasons to buy omnifocus. If I do not get it working it was a costly bad investmen.

Thanks in advance for any hint.

Best regards,

Contact the support ninjas. They can either help you get it working, or get you a refund if you request it within 30 days of purchase. Email, or call 800-315-6664 or +1-206-523-4152 M-F 10-5 Seattle time.
Originally Posted by JSCH View Post
I even have a Iphone 4 only.
Sorry for the confusion, Joachim! The Reminders capture feature is dependent on Siri. Since Siri was introduced along with the iPhone 4S, it sounds like your hardware doesn't support this feature. That's why the settings aren't appearing.

We don't want to sell you a product you can't use, though! If you contact our sales department we can get this sorted out.
What I've never understood is why Reminders Capture in OF requires iPhone 4S (i.e. Siri), while Reminders Capture in Things just works in iOS6, with or without Siri. This suggests to me that it's not a hardware but a software feature. The fact that in a previous release of OF for iPad it didn't work on the iPad-mini (because some system setting wasn't set; after the first upgrade it did work) only seems to confirm that.
Obivously the Omnifocus support misunderstood my original intent.
I know, SIRI is not available on the iphone 4. But my intention has not been so much to getting new reminders into the reminders app of iphone using SIRI. This cannot work since iphone 4 indeed does not support SIRI, as your correctly mentioned. :-)

The point is that I intended to transfer my manually typped reminders in the reminders app into Omnifocus.
I consider this to be absolutely indenpendent from the missing SIRI functionality in iphone 4.

However, as disappointing this is I searched the Internet for a solution:

Good news guys, some folks encountered the same problem and found a fix. The first solution required the manipulation of some settings in some weired configuration files which requires additional tools. So since I am not an development expert and do not intend to become one, I further searched the Internet and hence, there was a much easier solution which everybody of us can apply without any deeper technological knowledge. The only thing to know is how to copy two URLīs into the safari browser and to confirm this...
Afterwards, you can transfer the manually typed reminders automatically to omnifocus when you launch the app... and you will be am absolutely happy.

The solution is quite simple...

Copy the following two URLīs (one after the other) into the safari browser of the iphone, refresh the browser, confirm the upcoming message and afterwards you can suddenly find the missing funktionality in the settings of omnifocus and can activate it.

Copy the first URL into the browser:


Afterwards (after confirmation of the upcoming message) copy the second
URL into the browser and confirm the message


Having applied this fix to your Omnifocus app, you can now start again the configuration of the settings in omnifocus for the reminder capture feature according to the manual. You will now find the missing entry in the settings dialogue of the OF app.

Looking at the URL link details it is quite obvious that this does not fix anything in the iphone OS, but it fixes something in the omnifocus app.

So, the interesting question is what the actual reason might be that Omnifocus does not provide this fix officially?

However, if you have encountered the same problem, this is the solution. For me it works fine.

Have fun, enjoy it.

Best regards,

It is likely that enabling that option means using some of the underlying facilities in a non-supported fashion, and so Omni only made it a debug/development tool rather than assume a support burden for something they do not control.

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