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Is Reminders sync only one way? [A: yes - it's named "Reminders capture" for that reason.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I thought OF used to be able to sync items to Reminders, but it appears that new items in OF don't show up there any more. The behavior that I'd really like to see would be that if an action is checked off in Reminders, it marks the OF counterpart as done and vice versa... Is there any way to make that happen?
OmniFocus has a feature to capture Reminders. When OmniFocus sees an item in Reminders that it knows how to handle (eg location matches a context in OmniFocus), it creates an OmniFocus action and deletes the Reminder. It's not a 2-way sync.

Why do you want to track the same action in both Reminders and OmniFocus?
Mostly because I like the geofencing aspect of Reminders better than the OF implementation, and because I'm trying to find a good integrated calendar/to-do app, and virtually all of those use Reminders as a source for tasks. I've been considering switching from the (awful) native to Pocket Informant, because I really do like seeing my schedule and tasks on the same screen.

The Forecast mode doesn't really help with that (due to lack of options and filters, and a generally pretty but not very functional presentation), and more importantly, it's not the default view when I bring up OF on my iPhone. As far as I know, there isn't any quick shortcut to change to that view. That would be an excellent feature to add, by the way -- allow the user to assign gestures to jump to different views.

Basically, I think OF is a good option for capturing and organizing tasks, but the mobile implementation really doesn't work into my workflow at all.
Keeping track of a task in two different places is a recipe for certain disaster.

I've pretty much ignored Reminders. I just learned to work around it.

What in particular did you not like about OmniFocus' geofencing that you prefer in Reminders?

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