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"Expired license" instructions fail Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The built-in licenses of the latest alpha builds are dated 14/06/2007.

This means that they are failing this morning, and the instructions at:

do not provide a solution.

Any hope of remedying this ?

I need access to my notes for the coming week, and I was just finishing an applescript which imports projects, contexts and tasks from iGTD ...
As Palbion points out in another thread, there is a quick fix for today:

Originally Posted by palbion
I had the same problem but I have a quick fix that appears to be working.

I quit other applications to avoid confusing things, set the system clock back by 24 h, started OmniFocus without incident, set the system clock back to correct time and still no problem with OF.

If OF checks for a licence only on launch (reasonable approach) then if you can launch it 'before the licence expired' it may be possible to keep it going until the ninjas can get it sorted.
Sorry! This problem is fixed in the r88110 build.
I've been on holiday for 10 days. My license has expired and now I find no way to update from within OF.

The message I get is:
"This pre-release application has expired. Please download an updated pre-release at your earliest convenience".

The problem is that I can't do that from inside OF, since I can only QUIT the programme.

No, I have not bookmarked the update page, nor did I save the invitation-mail.

Could it be possible to make the update command available after the license has expired, so people could actually upgrade from within OF? Thanks.
HERMAN: email from the same email address you signed up with, and we will send you your invite again.

We've also improved the expired license behavior a bit today, but of course, you need to get today's build before you can benefit from that, so that won't help you just yet.
Originally Posted by Lizard
HERMAN: email from the same email address you signed up with, and we will send you your invite again.

We've also improved the expired license behavior a bit today, but of course, you need to get today's build before you can benefit from that, so that won't help you just yet.
thanks for the offer - actually I followed the link posted in the first message above a bit later, and arrived at the page for downloads, from where I could download the new build again. It works again. Thanks a lot!
On a slightly different note, I see that the license for yesterday's build still expires tomorrow (July 1). Would it be possible to update the license a little more frequently? I'm currently overseas and can only download new builds every 2-3 days at a cybercafe, and I prefer not to have to reset my system clock in order to restart OmniFocus! :-)

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