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Row Handles print preferences Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
G'day all,

I use omnioutliner for just about everything that isn't LaTex.

The row handles are fundamental, and I like having them, but they don't look good on printed output. I'd love to know how to change the default print setting

Print row handles

to not be checked. I don't seem to be able to set this (or unset it) anywhere?

Is it possible... would it be a feature request? Could it at least remember the last chosen setting?


I have often thought the same question, and have grumbled at OmniOutliner every time I run into it.

Yes, in the menu File : Print there is a checkbox for "Print Row Handles", but does it stay unchecked for a given document? Noooo, you have to remember to uncheck it every time you request a print. And half the time I forget.

So I agree there should be a Preference for Print Row Handles, and it should stay with the document, or stay for all documents.

OmniOutlinerPro, 3.10.3, OS X 10.6.8

Originally Posted by benmadin View Post
G'day all,

I use omnioutliner for just about everything that isn't LaTex.

The row handles are fundamental, and I like having them, but they don't look good on printed output. I'd love to know how to change the default print setting

Print row handles

to not be checked. I don't seem to be able to set this (or unset it) anywhere?

Is it possible... would it be a feature request? Could it at least remember the last chosen setting?


Just making the setting sticky would be sufficient for me. I appreciate that anything dealing with printing involves much suffering, but OmniWeb seems to do it for its specific print preferences, so they've got a working code example to crib from :-)

My workaround is to change the row handles preference in the Row: Advanced inspector to "Show handles: Under mouse" so that I can get the row handle when I need it, but it doesn't print. Works well for me; YMMV.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
My workaround is to change the row handles preference in the Row: Advanced inspector to "Show handles: Under mouse" so that I can get the row handle when I need it, but it doesn't print. Works well for me; YMMV.
Thank you for this tip! This will save me many headaches!
Bonus tip: see the help for Templates to see how you can arrange to have that setting on by default whenever you create a new document.

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