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Apple Mail Jott to OmniFocus AppleScript Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I've modified the basic AppleScript that comes with OmniFocus so that it pulls the Jott message out of the e-mail. It assumes that a single message is a single task. I even included a link back to the original e-mail. However, the link I put into the note doesn't work quite right.

Does anyone know of a way to put a link into a note processed by "parse tasks"? I include something like "Jott message: message://<>", which is the correct format for the link, but it doesn't automatically appear as a link. Worse yet, when I manually type a space after it, OmniFocus creates two links: "message://" and "". It seems to view the "<" as a separator (which may be correct from an RFC standpoint).

If I instead send the text "Jott message: <message://<>>", I manage to get the "<" included, but it also includes the first "<". The link becomes: "<message://<>".

The script is below if you'd like to try it out.

. John
-- Derived from work that is copyright 2007 The Omni Group. All rights reserved.
-- Modified to work specifically with Jott messages.

using terms from application "Mail"
-- Trims "foo <>" down to ""
on trim_address(theAddress)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "<"
set WithoutPrefix to item 2 of theAddress's text items
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ">"
set MyResult to item 1 of WithoutPrefix's text items
on error
set MyResult to theAddress
end try
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value
return MyResult
end trim_address

on process_message(theMessage)
set theContent to content of theMessage
set messageStart to (offset of "Jott:" in theContent) + 6
set messageEnd to (offset of "Listen" in theContent) - 2
set theSubject to text messageStart through messageEnd of theContent
set theText to theSubject & return & "Jott message: message://<" & message id of theMessage & ">"
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
parse tasks with transport text theText with as single task
end tell
end tell
end process_message

on perform mail action with messages theMessages
set theMessageCount to count of theMessages
repeat with theMessageIndex from 1 to theMessageCount
my process_message(item theMessageIndex of theMessages)
end repeat
on error m number n
tell application "OmniFocus"
log "Exception in Mail action: (" & n & ") " & m
end tell
end try
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
Brilliant! I just tested this out with my own Jott and Apple Mail, and it's working great. No more swervy driving whenever I think of something that needs to be in my inbox!
Glad to see that others are finding Jott really cool and useful. I also like being able to quickly and easily send myself a message, especially on the road. It's almost eery to get the message in OmniFocus without seeing it in Mail.

. John
Did anyone figure out the fix for the link?

Not that I know of. I reported this issue to Omni, so hopefully they'll fix it in an upcoming release.
Here's a modifed version that is derived from Curt Clifton's OmniFocus-Mail Links script

-- Derived from work that is Copyright © 2007, Curtis Clifton All rights reserved.
-- Modified to work specifically with Jott messages.

-- If true, then the sender of the message is included in the action's description.
property includeSender : true

property messageSender : "Jott"

on run
tell application "Mail"
set selectedMessages to selection
if ((count of selectedMessages) ≠ 1) then
display alert "Please select a message to be linked to the new action" message "This script creates a new OmniFocus action that links back to a selected message." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" giving up after 20
end if
my process_message(item 1 of selectedMessages)
end tell
end run

using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages theMessages
set theMessageCount to count of theMessages
repeat with theMessageIndex from 1 to theMessageCount
my process_message(item theMessageIndex of theMessages)
end repeat
on error m number n
tell application "OmniFocus"
log "Exception in Mail action: (" & n & ") " & m
end tell
end try
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from

on process_message(theMessage)
tell application "Mail"
set theContent to content of theMessage
set theDate to date sent of theMessage
set messageId to message id of theMessage
end tell

tell application "OmniFocus"
set messageStart to (offset of "Jott:" in theContent) + 7
set messageEnd to (offset of "Listen" in theContent) - 3
set taskName to rich text messageStart through messageEnd of theContent
if (includeSender) then
set taskName to taskName & "—" & messageSender
end if
set theDoc to first document
tell theDoc
set propRecord to {name:taskName}
set theTask to make new inbox task with properties propRecord
end tell
tell theTask
set start date to theDate
set note to return & return
tell note
set theURL to "message://<" & messageId & ">"
set linkText to theURL
insert linkText at before first character
set value of attribute "link" of style of paragraph 1 to theURL
end tell
end tell
end tell
end process_message
This doesn't work for me... Expected ',' after the unicode not equals sign, changing it to != doesn't work.

Originally Posted by akelley View Post
Here's a modifed version that is derived from Curt Clifton's OmniFocus-Mail Links script

Edit: removed the script from the quote, since it just made the page require that much more scrolling to read.

Last edited by Brian; 2008-04-29 at 02:21 PM..
I don't have jott installed, devn, but I am able to copy the script, paste it into Script Editor, and compile it with no errors. This is on a 10.5.2 machine.
Hi guys-

I was having trouble getting the Omnifocus Mail rule thing to work for me with Jott. I set it to the +omnifocus version, which works with my gmail account. I'd then leave a jott to that address and start the jott with "hyphen hyphen". I'd get the email but the rule wouldn't work--nothing in my OF inbox.

I tried the 2 applescripts above too, but nothing. I know the rule ran because I had it move the message before running the applescript. I'm hopeful somebody can help, with my apologies for being an apparent idiot.

Does OF need to be running for the mail message to work?
If I use one of the scripts in this thread should I turn off the mail rule in the OF pref?
Is there some easy setting thing I'm missing?

I had NEVER used applescript before now. I just copied and pasted into scripteditor and saved it to my documents folder as jotttomail. Set up a rule in Mail to run when email received from that runs a script and pointed it at the script.



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