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"indent" versus "move right" Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
On the outlining flyout menu, there are commands to "move right" and to "indent." Each has a distinct keyboard shortcut. What is the difference between these two commands? They both seem to do the same thing.
RHILLCFI (Los Angeles)
Happy to help! You're correct: the indent/move right pair are functionally the same. You can't assign multiple keyboard shortcuts to one command, though, and we wanted outdent/move left - which do different things - to each have a command/shortcut that they paired with.

Anticipating the follow-up question: Outdent moves the selected row to the left, and makes any sibling rows that follow it into children of that row. "Move Left" leaves the following rows with their original parent.

Last edited by Brian; 2009-12-14 at 05:02 PM.. Reason: nit-pickery.
Thanks for the explanation, which fully answers my question.

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