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Shared Layer Problem Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am trying to create a shared layer in my document, but it is behaving like a regular layer, i.e. it's not sharing across canvasses.

The thumbnail of the layer is orange. The items are highlighted in orange when selected. It has a shared layer icon. But... it only appears in one canvas.

I'm using OmniGraffle 5.2.2 release-138.14/129428

I perused the preferences, Support forum, and all the settings I could find... what gives?

Are you using OmniGraffle 5 Professional or Standard? Shared layers are a Pro-only feature.

It turns out there's a bug in OmniGraffle 5 Standard that allows the very determined to create a shared layer, but it'll be locked, so you can't do anything with it.

(If you're using OmniGraffle 5 Standard and someone sends you a Graffle file with shared layers, you can view them, but they're locked, so you can't edit them.)

Thanks for replying. I really appreciate it.

It is, in fact a Pro version of OG.

It's so weird... the shared layer seems fine... it jsut isn't shared!

Hopefully someone knows...

If you add a new shared layer to an multi-canvas document, the shared layer doesn't automatically propagate to your existing canvases; you'll need to drag the layer to any other canvases you want the shared layer to appear on.

Does that help?
This seems a big issue to me. Standard users should either automatically see shared layers as normal layers or have the ability to convert them. I'm an independent contractor working with client-supplied files and cannot manipulate many of their layers. I suppose the answer is to upgrade to the Pro version but other than this issue I didn't need all the other bells and whistles. Sigh.
How do I create a BLANK shared layer. When I right click and Add Shared layer, it brings in all the objects from the original canvas.

If I delete them it deletes them everywhere.

Hi Scarpi. I've just tried this now and it doesn't bring in all the objects from the original canvas. It creates a brand new shared layer. Are you sure you're not dragging the other shared layer over to the canvas?

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