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Applescript to turn an xml file into a tree of shapes Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

I picked up on a thread on this forum from last year, in which someone posted a method for creating a tree structure of shapes from a google sitemap file.


I was using this script happily in Omnigraffle Pro 4 but it breaks slightly in v5. The main problem is that it creates too many connections between parent and child objects: basically if you have a collection of urls like this:

then you will get 14 connections between the shapes for and foo and 14 between foo and bar. I can get around this if I can figure out a way for AppleScript to count how many lines there are between two shapes. I know that there is a count function in AppleScript, but is there a way in Omnigraffle 5 to tell whether there is a line connecting two shapes?

This leads me to the wider question: is there any documentation for Omnigraffle's AppleScript support? The kind of thing I am looking for is what the available options are for "head type" when creating a line (the Dictionary only says it is of type text). I found an example where you get a filled arrow like this:
set head type of aLine to "FilledArrow"

but that doesn't help if I want a hollow arrow (or a dotted line, or...).

If this information is documented anywhere else for other languages that would be a start: I don't mind doing a bit of exploring.


If anyone is interested (or even reading) I will be happy to share the solution to this question: it took a few hours and a couple of handfuls of hair, but it works nicely now.

Let's see it! I'm always interested in cool maps...

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