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OmniGraffle v5.1.1 Compatibility Problems Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I just downloaded the trial copy of OmniGraffle Professional v5.1.1 and am seeing several compatibility issues.

1. Pasting from MathType v5.1 into OmniGraffle v5.1.1 gives a giant image. For instance, in MathType I entered the equation "y=mx+b" in a 12-point font. When pasted into OmniGraffle, it results in a 24" x 7" image! However, the paste works fine in my old OmniGraffle v4.2.3 and renders at the correct size.

2. OmniGraffle v5.1.1 imports v4.2.3 files incorrectly. I opened a .graffle file previously saved by v4.2.3, and some of the images look all wrong. The images in question were equations that had been pasted in from MathType. Again, the equations look and print great in OmniGraffle Professional v4.2.3.

3. Still no "Copy As" png/gif/jpeg yet???? The existing copy as tiff/pdf/pict simply do not work when pasting into Word 2004 files. Upgrading to Office 2008 is never going to happen at my site, so it would be helpful if OmniGraffle's many export types could be accessible through "copy as". Currently, my work-around is to export as .png and then manually load these within Word, but that is an awful lot of clicks for something that should be far easier.


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