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Bezier points on lines Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Ok, I can't seem to find how to do this in OmniGraffle 5.

I select the pen tool (Curved Stroke:Obsidian).

I click once. Then I click-drag the second point hoping to get a bezier point. Then I finish the line.

When I go back to the second point, I don't see the bezier curves. No combination of keystrokes seems to get me that bezier curve.

What am I missing?
You'll still need to drag out that last point (which is difficult to do and finish the shape), but what you can do afterwards is select the point and hold down the Command key and drag the handles out.

Hope that helps,
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Ok, I'm still missing something because that's what the help files says and yet when I hold down the Command key, the whole node moves with the mouse.
Another post mentioned something about selecting the bezier wavy line in the stroke palette. (

Am I missing that step?
That post has to do with lines, and not shapes made with the Pen Tool. That said, if you are referring to the Line Tool instead, then yes, you'll need to change the line type to Bezier in order to get the handles.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Finally got it, thanks.

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