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Script: FoldingText to OmniFocus Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
Sounds like the first line of the script might somehow have been lost.

I would start by downloading a fresh copy.
It may also be helpful to understand that it is an .scptd (script bundle, effectively a folder with other small scripts in a Resources sub-folder).

You can duplicate and rename it, but you may inadvertently create a version which lacks the called scripts if you try to do a Save As from a script editor.

(It has to have this structure to avoid compile-time errors on systems which only have a subset of the Omni applications installed).
FWIW added a basic OPML export option to the script (above).
Ver 016 (above, in first post) is the first pass of an update to run with the new scripting syntax of FoldingText 1.1 Dev (553)

Should work with both the AppStore version and the 1.1 Dev version, but if you are using the latter you may need to force a recompile of the script by making a trivial edit to it, like adding a couple of blank lines, before the first time you run it.


Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-11-02 at 10:54 PM..

Is there a way you can modify the script to just import the folding text file.

I am actually not using Folding Text but exporting this out to an Android phone using one of your scripts, and would like to bring in the file that I edit manually. I can bring back any format you like from your export script just something I can edit via Folding Text type editor on android.

Any help would be appreciate it.
For now I keep a separate file and bring it in via an import that does not do duplicate checking.

Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
Ver 016 (above, in first post) is the first pass of an update to run with the new scripting syntax of FoldingText 1.1 Dev (553)

Should work with both the AppStore version and the 1.1 Dev version, but if you are using the latter you may need to force a recompile of the script by making a trivial edit to it, like adding a couple of blank lines, before the first time you run it.

Last edited by Yury; 2012-12-14 at 07:09 AM..
Not sure that I have quite understood your use case, but this particular script depends on the FoldingText API.

Are you looking for an analogue of the paste MarkDown/FoldingText into OO3 script ?
Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
Not sure that I have quite understood your use case, but this particular script depends on the FoldingText API.

Are you looking for an analogue of the paste MarkDown/FoldingText into OO3 script ?
Rob, I maybe missed something, but the script I found was ReadTP52 and it just imports text back, but will create all duplicates. Is there a script that checks if the duplicates are there and just imports the differences as this script does?

Thank you for your ultra fast reply!
Fast, but not with with the news you are hoping for :-)

I haven't written such a script no.

FoldingText → OF is the only route I have created, and that's partly because it has an unusually rich scripting interface, which provides very simple and powerful operations on nested text structures.
Isn't that the script that exports to Taskpaper? Found this here:

Taskpaper to Omnifocus importer

A draft Applescript droplet which I use to copy my data from Taskpaper-formatted text files to Omnifocus.

The code is intended to:

1.Place Taskpaper projects and their tasks in a date-stamped Omnifocus import folder.

2.Place any Taskpaper tasks which are not preceded by a project header into the Omnifocus inbox.

3.Also place tasks in any Taskpaper project named “Inbox:” into the Omnifocus inbox.

In addition to files created with Taskpaper, it should also work with any plain .txt file which conforms to the Taskpaper file format. Apart from context and @done tags, it is intended to correctly interpret tags of the following form:

@start(yyyy-mm-dd) or @start(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) - Start date

@due(yyyy-mm-dd) or @due(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) - Due date

@mins(nn) - Estimated minutes

@flag - Flagged

Note that it runs fairly slowly - when it is finished it will display simple import statistics.


- Drag one or more .taskpaper or .txt files onto the droplet,

-Or select and copy some text (or one or more text files in in the Finder) and then run the script.

(I find it works well in a Keyboard Maestro macro which precedes it with a Copy action, to pick up currently selected text or text files)
Thank you for pointing to the site!

I found the exporter there as well.
Originally Posted by kingsinger View Post
Isn't that the script that exports to Taskpaper? Found this here:

Taskpaper to Omnifocus importer

Is the exporter one of your scripts? And if so is that the latest version?

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