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where does outcome go? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
DA stresses the importance of envisioning the desired outcome for all one's projects.

I have been putting my desired outcome in the notes associated with my projects. While the project names are short, I word the outcome as a complete, past-tense sentence expressing "what 'done' means." For example:

- ucla trip
-- n: I booked travel and lodging for a research trip to Los Angeles.

The notes field works so far for this, but feels a bit weird when I also start adding other notes (e.g. hotel reservation confirmation number). Particularly, there are circumstances where I would like to be able to print my projects list with the outcomes, but not with the other notes.

Reactions to the idea of having a dedicated "outcome" field attached to projects? Or having a view option that shows only the first sentence of the notes field? Or other solutions?
I've been putting outcomes in Notes field as well; but I don't particularly like it. I use them mostly for a statement of how I'll know I've accomplished my more amorphous projects, so I probably use them less than Craig, but I'd still like to be able to see them. For example,

- Increase Enrollment
-- n: ongoing Wed class has 25 students by July 15

Rather than a built-in, dedicated column, I'd like the ability to add columns of text (like an outcome statement) or numbers (like time extimates) or drop down lists (priorities or participants or ??). And I want to be able to see these in my planning or action window and be able to sort by them, not just look at an inspector or open a note for one project or action.
What about just using rich text in the note field to create "headers" for sections? Have Outcome at the top in bold, then a paragraph, then "Notes" in bold and whatever notes you need?
That would distinguish outcome from notes visually, but it wouldn't solve the problem of looking over or printing a project list with outcomes but without notes, which is one of the things I'd really like to be able to do.

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