Originally Posted by policarpo
You can email it out but it doesn't automatically connect with the iPhone or desktop version. You have to manually reenter the task.
If I may clarify a bit...my remarks here apply to OmniFocus on the Mac exclusively.
If you aren't running the sneaky peek of 1.8 (or 1.8 or later, for someone who sees this in the future), then you have to enter everything by hand, although you can use copy and paste to ease the burden a bit.
If you are running the 1.8 sneaky peek, you can click the enclosed link to add the action name and note to OmniFocus, and then set the remaining details by hand. There's no guarantee that two different users would (want to) have the same project name or context name even if the underlying mechanism did support specifying them (which it currently does not). Dates, on the other hand, I think probably ought to be made available through the linkage.
You can use the sneaky peak of 1.8 on e desktop but that's beta software ya know so use at your own risk. ;^)
Yes, you're using it at your own risk, but that's technically also true of the production software! I've been almost exclusively running the Omni sneaky peek software for OmniFocus, OmniPlan, OmniOutliner, and OmniWeb for the last several years, and cannot think of a single case where doing so has brought harm to my data. If I had encountered any such problems, I would be considerably more circumspect about suggesting others use it without prior knowledge of their general technical savvy. No doubt the gods will now arrange a horrible data-corrupting defect in the next sneaky peek to put me in my place :)
It's a trade-off — if the baby step toward a delegation feature is important to you, it might be worth trying the sneaky peek. You can always switch back to the production binary, and there aren't any data file format changes to worry about here.