There is one thing about setting styles that is driving my crazy. Lets say I have a new document, and it only has 4 levels. I then set the children of level 3 to be bold. Thus, all level 4 items in the document are not bold. This style immediatly jumps to the grandchildren of level 2! I think its because there was only one level 4 topic, and it assumes that since all the current level 4s are bold, then I'll want all level 4s to be bold. This has been annoying me. I want the children of the row I'm working with to be bold, but the next time I create a level 4 from a mew parent I want it to be clear of styles again.
If I'm doing something wrong here please let me know.
PS I love OO.
If I'm doing something wrong here please let me know.
PS I love OO.