While syncing iCal with my BlackBerry, I was syncing OF Contexts as calendars to get my ToDos on the BB. Now that I have my iPhone, I'm using OF iPhone.
Preferences>iCal Preferences:
(Unsynchronized)>All Contexts are listed here
Can I safely delete the iCal calendars? Ie. @Calls, @Computer
My guess is anything that is a ToDo in iCal that was a result of OF/iCal syncing, is now read-only in iCal and deleting in iCal won't affect my desktop OF Actions.
Preferences>iCal Preferences:
(Unsynchronized)>All Contexts are listed here
Can I safely delete the iCal calendars? Ie. @Calls, @Computer
My guess is anything that is a ToDo in iCal that was a result of OF/iCal syncing, is now read-only in iCal and deleting in iCal won't affect my desktop OF Actions.