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Problems with "Due" button and "Due Soon" Perspective Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Odd behavior - if I'm in my Project view and I select either the "Due" button on the toolbar or the standard "Due Soon" Perspective, instead of getting a filtered list of items matching the time parameters for Due/Due Soon, I am taken to a blank screen under "No Context" in the Context view.

Have rebuilt my database, removed and reinserted the button, still getting what I'd call buggy behavior.

Using OmniFocus 1.5 release candidate 2 (v77. on MacBookPro with OS 10.5.5
Here's something thing to check: do you have the entire set of contexts selected in the sidebar? The Due Soon built-in perspective doesn't change the selection, just flips you into context mode using whatever selection was there last, so you will get an empty window if you have a context selection consisting only of items with no due dates. Flagged seems to behave the same way. Reasonable people could disagree about whether this behavior is correct (it certainly doesn't seem to be documented to work this way).

My expectation looking at those menu items would be that it would first select all the contexts and then filter, but that doesn't appear to be how it works. What is more troubling is that one might think "oh, if I select the All Items view first, then it will work properly" but that is not the case.

I'm leaning toward the "this is a bug" sentiment, too...for the user most likely to be relying on the built-in views, this is likely to be very unintuitive behavior.
I've run into the exact same issue with identical system specs.

I have Due and Flagged buttons in the toolbar. When in Planning mode, I expect both of these to provide a filtered view of only due or flagged items, staying in Planning mode. Instead it switches to what appears to be the last selected context in Context mode.

whpalmer4: You think that's the intended behavior? Doesn't make much sense to me. I guess I could just create a new perspective, but is there any way to add them to the toolbar?
I hadn't noticed that the due and flagged built in perspectives use the last context. Thanks for pointing that out.

I have a semi-related question about the built in perspectives and another on other toolbar items.

1) To wynz's question, yes, you can add your own perspective to the tool bar. If you've created a new perspective, if you go to customize toolbar it's there for the dragging. But my question is, is there any way to tweak the built in ones? Or do I just need to start from scratch and make my own? The new built in Projects and Contexts perspectives use Remaining as the status, and I always click it over to available. At least in the case of Contexts. Projects, I flip back and forth. But Contexts is 'work mode', so seeing stuff I 'can't' do isn't very helpful. I know I can create my own and use their icons and put them up there, I just want to know for educational purposes if I'm missing an 'edit' opportunity.

2) I've got Curt's Populate Template Placeholder's script on my toolbar. That's a long name! Can I edit that name? Will it lose functionality?

Also, a picky little comment. I love that the new built in perspectives are there. I love that Omni is trying to make it as close to the iphone views as possible. I love that the icons are 'telling'. But it bugs me (a little) that the icons don't match what's going on when it doesn't seem like it would have been to hard to make them match.

The Projects icon has two 'planning' pictures. The Contexts icon has two 'context' pictures. The Review icon has the cup of coffee on the 'planning' icon...and it takes you to planning mode. So far, so good. But the Due and Flagged perspectives have thir pictures in front of a 'planning' picture, but they take you to context mode.

I know, picky. Has anyone modified these?
Originally Posted by malisa View Post
2) I've got Curt's Populate Template Placeholder's script on my toolbar. That's a long name! Can I edit that name? Will it lose functionality?
You can rename the script to whatever you'd like. Just use Finder to open ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/OmniFocus and give the script whatever name you like. (It my mind, it's called PopTemp. :-)

Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
You can rename the script to whatever you'd like. Just use Finder to open ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/OmniFocus and give the script whatever name you like. (It my mind, it's called PopTemp. :-)

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