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How to have a task mirror the length of a task group? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have a big list of tasks that lasts for say a year, but will change as I change the tasks. I have another task, call it project management, that needs to start when the big list of tasks starts, and end when it ends.

I want one management task that lasts as long as the total of the work tasks, and I don't want to have to manually update it as the work tasks change during planning.

1) Is this a reasonable thing to do? Or is there a better way to organize things?
2) If it's reasonable, how do I do it?

Thank you.


Last edited by jamiehale; 2011-06-15 at 07:42 PM.. Reason: Clarification
Unless I am mistaken, that sounds like OmniPlan 2.0’s "hammock" task feature.

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