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Changing Line Height in Task List? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The line height in the task list and Gantt chart seems to have increased significantly between OmniPlan 1.7 and OmniPlan 2 and I'm wondering if there's any way to change it back to the OmniPlan 1.7 size. While the new height is attractive and makes it easier to grab widgets, etc. on the Gantt chart, the old view let me see a lot more of my project at once on my 13" laptop's monitor which I find to be helpful when scanning the various items in my project that need to be tracked.

Thanks in advance.
I have the same issue as you. I have a 15" screen but I would appreciate a way to change this setting.
I love the UI of OmniPlan 1.7. It creates the best looking Gantt charts (task list) of any software I've ever seen.

OmniPlan 2.0 wastes a ton of space. The task list is loose and way too tall. Shrinking the font size (command-T) of tasks just creates MORE whitespace, the task lines don't shrink. The HTML export is similarly fat and clumsy.

Regrettably I've reverted to 1.7. *Please* revert the visualization changes, or at least add a Preference checkbox so I can use the "classic" look.

I beg you! :) Thanks
There was some discussion of this on the private beta forum. I'm taking the liberty of reposting what Tom Bunch said in response.

I'll be honest... when our UI guy gave us mockups and we implemented the new size & spacing, we all had the same reaction. "Oh my God, my data density! I have to scroll more! I... I... I have elbow room! I feel like I can breathe again! All these little handles on Gantt bars are sooo much more accessible now! You were so right Bill."

So I can completely relate to your point of view, but I'd like you to try it for a while, then go back and look at 1.x.

I don't think we'll be adding the ability to change the height of the bars themselves, but I like to add a simple option for adjusting the spacing between them up and down. In fact I made a template with tighter spacing and slightly smaller font, though these style attributes clutter up the Style Attributes inspector. But again, it'd be great if you tried the out-of-the-box styles for a while before you use this. It should go in ~/Library/Application\ Support/OmniPlan/Templates
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
All these little handles on Gantt bars are sooo much more accessible now!
I concede that part might be worth getting used to in the UI. In 1.7 it was so tight I abandoned them and learned to use the menus instead. Using the menus works fine, and I'm perfectly happy.

But then I export my complex projects to HTML and everything is huge and the little handles argument is irrelevant. My client sees only fat clumsiness instead of the nice, tight, detailed view 1.7 generates.

So I'm happier back on 1.7.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
There was some discussion of this on the private beta forum. I'm taking the liberty of reposting what Tom Bunch said in response.

Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
I'll be honest... when our UI guy gave us mockups and we implemented the new size & spacing, we all had the same reaction. "Oh my God, my data density! I have to scroll more! I... I... I have elbow room! I feel like I can breathe again! All these little handles on Gantt bars are sooo much more accessible now! You were so right Bill."

So I can completely relate to your point of view, but I'd like you to try it for a while, then go back and look at 1.x.

I don't think we'll be adding the ability to change the height of the bars themselves, but I like to add a simple option for adjusting the spacing between them up and down. In fact I made a template with tighter spacing and slightly smaller font, though these style attributes clutter up the Style Attributes inspector. But again, it'd be great if you tried the out-of-the-box styles for a while before you use this. It should go in ~/Library/Application\ Support/OmniPlan/Templates
As I really don't like not being able to have an overview of my project, due to the huge font size and the line spacing, I really would love to test this style.

Any idea where we can get this style? I can't seem to find it in the styles menu in the inspector.

I raised this issue in beta, though I can live with the line changes from 1.7 in the Gantt and love the additional functionality

I expected OmniPlan 2 to play nice and respect the size of the text (e.g. so I can expand the text size if I need to play with handles etc and decrease it if I need to see an overview of a set of tasks) - I work across my machines almost exclusively in 10/11 point on 13" to 30" displays - small text & icons - anything under 13 point in OmniPlan 2 doesn't seem to display nice

Like other people on this thread I've started to do client facing work back in OmniPlan 1.7
@garfiejas: We are aware of a problem where outline text is not vertically centered at <13 point font. I have added your comment to our bug tracker. Is there anything else that isn't playing well with small fonts?

@Karel: Here is an OmniPlan 2 file with Tom's manual adjustments to Row Height. I should warn you that we didn't include it in OmniPlan 2.0 because it hasn't been fully tested, so it might not display/print perfectly. You can open this and "Save as Template" to make it quickly available. We are thinking about support for this for a later release.

Joel R
Software Test Pilot
The Omni Group
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Last edited by joelr; 2011-07-28 at 11:42 AM.. Reason: added signature
Originally Posted by joelr View Post
@Karel: Here is an OmniPlan 2 file with Tom's manual adjustments to Row Height. I should warn you that we didn't include it in OmniPlan 2.0 because it hasn't been fully tested, so it might not display/print perfectly. You can open this and "Save as Template" to make it quickly available. We are thinking about support for this for a later release.

Joel R
Software Test Pilot
The Omni Group
This is a joke, right?

I am a Product Manager for a small software firm in Surrey, UK. Our typical development projects last for two or three months, but include a large number of resources, tasks, etc.

Having read about the "no pain, all gain" features of OmniPlan, I obtained a purchase order from my manager to purchase four copies of OmniPlan (yes, as I said, we are quite small at present).

Attempting to level a larger project led to OmniPlan 1.7 going into what appeared to be an infinite loop. Repeatedly.

"OK," I thought. "I shall download this OmniPlan 2.0 loveliness and see how it copes." Well, it levelled the plan beautifully.

Unfortunately, because of the massive amount of leading (or line spacing) between the lines, I cannot even view a single month's worth of tasks vertically without having to scroll.

Oh, believe me—my text is now really tiny. In fact, the spaces between the lines are bigger than the text that inhabits them.

Even on the large, pixel-dense screens that I have (my colleagues are not so lucky), your application is now unusable.

You have, with one simple and unexplained stroke, rendered OmniPlan 2.0 utterly useless and deeply unattractive.

And yet you are only "thinking" about support for small lines "in a future release".

Fair enough.

I was "thinking" about buying two upgrade licences and two new ones, plus buying "a future release": now I will not.

Tomorrow morning, I will cancel my Purchase Order.

P.S. The mono-coloured icons are less informative and more confusing than in OmniPlan 1.7.

P.P.S. Did you do any user testing on this at all?

Last edited by devilskitchen; 2011-08-16 at 05:13 PM..
P.P.P.S. I am rather sick of software developers (not just you) thinking that they can waste my screen estate, my resources, my time and my money just because these things are cheaper than they used to be.

If I wanted your software to give me the same utility as if I were using an 800x600 screen, perhaps I should have stuck with something cheaper, eh?

What are you—Windows developers?

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