I've been using OmniFocus for iPhone for barely two days, using Bonjour to Sync with OmniFocus, and encountered an error only a couple of syncs with OmniFocus on my Mac.
The error report is along the lines of:
And I've a load of console error messages like:
I turned off syncing in Mac OmniFocus, then turned it back on again. I then found I had to choose either the remote or local copy when next trying to sync iPhone OmniFocus, and promptly lost all the changes (quite a number!) I'd made on my iPhone.
Is this a known issue that is high on the list to be fixed? Is there a way around fixing this problem without losing data that I'm not aware of?
The error report is along the lines of:
Unable to synchronize database with server. Unable to read document. No root can reach all tail transactions in "...".
05/11/2008 21:49:49 OmniFocus[53668] sync terminated with error: { code = 7; domain = "com.omnigroup.OmniFocus.XMLData.ErrorDomain"; userInfo = { NSLocalizedDescription = "Unable to read document."; NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = "No root can reach all tail transactions in \"file://localhost/Users/ian/Library/Application%20Support/OmniFocus/Synchronization%20Data/Documents/OmniFocus.ofocus/\"."; "com.omnigroup.framework.OmniBase.ErrorDomain.FileLineAndNumber" = "/Volumes/Disk/Users/Shared/kc/ReleaseProduct/Source/OmniGroup/Applications/Focus/XMLData/XMLTransactionGraph.m:359"; }; }
Is this a known issue that is high on the list to be fixed? Is there a way around fixing this problem without losing data that I'm not aware of?